July Update: Just about had it with making lemonade!

When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. Enough with the lemons already!

So I missed the June update, there's a lot going on.

First the colonoscopy, easy-peasy, they roll you into the ER, knock you out and you wake up when it's over and all tubes have been put away. According to my Gastro-Entorologist it was difficult going, lots of adhesions he could not go to the end, but for what he could see and where he could get to, it was all clear. Two things of note the morning of the procedure i had none of the pain in my colon i'd been experiencing for 5 months. My colon was empty. So the pain seems to be functional. Functioning colon=pain as feces passes through. TMI? don't worry there'll be more in a post about a colonoscopy.
One side effect of the procedure: things moved more smoothly for the first couple of weeks. As far as side effects go, not bad.

So back to work i went the day after the procedure and all was well until a month later when one morning after breakfast I was stricken with unbearable pain, and vomiting and had to go to the ER, an X-ray and Scanner and I was sent home with instructions to go back to work the next day

But i still had a fever and nausea so I went to my GP who ordered an ultrasound. The Ultrasound Doctor further advised an MRI. So i had the MRI 3 weeks later and it showed nothing. If only I were a hypochondriac i'd love all these tests. But i'm not a hypochondriac and i'm so over all these procedures. It's just too much. And they keep turning up nothing, the ones that are done locally that is. I get the simplest of tests done in Paris and they are able to see what's causing my pain.

So here I am still trying to manage my pain and discomfort with diet as opposed to pain meds, I don't want to go down that route unless and until I've exhausted all other options.

I have to adjust to my new reality and honestly this is the hardest part, I'm no longer a very active person, hiking, exercising, socializing. Even my social life is dictated by my level of pain and physical discomfort. This sedentary lifestyle sucks tremendously and is at times rather depressing. At leas i'm able to get out of the house and work part time. That has helped my morale somewhat. I just can't accept that this is my new life though, i was never one to throw in the towel, don't plan on doing that now either. :-)
